THE ART ANGEL – Look-A-Likes


People say I look like Annette Benning



People say I look like Lauren Graham
I can see a lil’ Lauren & Annette



Look-A-Likes Gilmore Girls
I’m told I look like Lauren


I am consistently being stopped or asked if I’m Lauren Graham or Annette Benning! What a compliment indeed! I tend to get Lauren when I’m heavier in weight and Annette when I’m thinner. Several years ago , when my hair was shorter, a woman asked me for my autograph thinking I was Annette Benning! Sweet!

It would be fun to be either of those fabulous leading ladies…if only for one day! They happen to be 2 of my favorite actresses as well!



The Art Angel paints faces


My Green Wings!

The Money Angel says: SUPPORT THE ARTS!

Where have all my wings gone? My favorite pair I lost on an air plane (left them in the overhead compartment)! Someone must of liked them because they were never  returned. Maybe they needed them more than me…I miss them nonetheless.

My other favorite wings I gave to my buddy Stewart because I had to move & he liked them. They were green. I had just won the “GREAT GREEN BALL” annual window dressing contest, fundraiser for the arts, in Asheville, NC.  My theme was “Give Your Green To The Asheville Art Scene”, so, I dressed as the “Money Angel” to support the arts. It was super fun!

But I’m wingless again! Back to the sewing machine…I’m ready for a new pair!

The Art Angel – My 54th Birthday with Sock Monkeys

my sock monkey slippers

Bethann & her monkeys!

Sock Monkeys & cartoonist Bethann Shannon
Bethann Shannon & her sock monkey obsession!

Sock Monkey slippers for artist Bethann Shannon

The Art Angel (Bethann Shannon) gets Sock Monkey Slippers for her 54th!

I love  sock monkeys! My mom bought me these for my 54th BE-DAY! I think from….? I LOVE ‘EM! Thanks mom! VERY CUTE! They help bring out the kid in me! (Got to keep that kid alive!)